That seems a funny/odd way to put it, God having nicknames. But think about it, many of us have nicknames. Last week we mentioned that our names in modern culture are basically just identification labels that distinguish us from the next person on our left or right. But when you get a nickname, it's typically something that those who really know us have tagged onto us that say something of who we are to them. It could be something about our character, our looks, our personality. Whatever it is, we received it from those who know and love us. At least that's what we're looking and longing for. (Never end a sentence with a preposition!)
Let's start with the first and most basic nickname of God for this session. Elohim.
Not really. It's Dave. But what does that mean? In our culture names are basically used to distinguish one person from another. Our surnames distinguish us even further. But that's not how it was in early cultures. A name carried meaning of the nature or character of a person. God wants us to know Him in a very intimate and personal way, so we're going to embark on a journey of discovering Him through the variety of names, both those that He's given Himself and the ones that He's accepted from those who loved Him.
With all of the insanity of the world right now, particularly considering that Israel became a nation for the first time in nearly 2000 years, we just really truly may very possibly finally be living in the generation that sees Yeshua, as our beloved believing Jewish friends in Israel rightly call Him... we may actually see His return. So I guess, in that sense, the world truly is running out of time. Time to get right with the Living God. But don't hold your breath. For any of us at any time may find ourselves, without notice, standing in front of God Himself, all alone, no help from our friends, no one else standing there with us.... and having to give an account for every last thing we've ever done, said, or thought. Yes, even all our thoughts and intentions. That, to say the least, is not a comfortable picture. More on parables; in fact this is the last one in the series. Appropriate.
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January 2025