For all of us "oldies" out there, I think we might remember who Sister Sledge was. Well, maybe not, but we probably remember the song which continues "I got all my sisters and me". Loyalty to family, but what family and how are we loyal? That's the question Nancy is exploring this morning.
Our Good God has a pretty massive recipe box. Each one of us is a unique combination of ingredients, pre-planned and carefully selected. But we're not packaged as an instant recipe. Prep times, baking or cooking temperature, and time required can vary. It's a careful relationship between the Master Chef and the ingredients. He has His part and we have ours. Listen, as we continue in our lessons in Mark's gospel.
As Christians we tend to get comfortable. We settle in. We sit in the same pew, we have friendly conversation with the same people, sing some songs, listen to a sermon, go home and relax or enjoy our favorite activity, get up Monday and start the cycle all over again. Nothing wrong with any of that, but that's not the end game. We're called to be fishermen, but how does all that work? A good fisherman has three tactics: He knows where the fish are, he has the right equipment, and most importantly, he sets the right bait. Today Nancy's beginning a new series in the Gospel of Mark and beginning with the tactics of being a good fisherman.
Last week Nancy delved into the tightly knit relationship of our mind, heart and conscience and the relationship we were designed to have in interacting with the Holy Spirit. When everything is working, life is good. When we consistently ignore the Lord's leading, our consciences can sear over like a hot iron over a wound. Bad things happen, and oftentimes we don't even see it coming. Today we listen to an Old Testament story of just such an incident.
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September 2024