The new fad; going on separate trips after the wedding. You go take the trip you'd like and I'll go on mine and we'll catch up with each other when we get back home. See you later. God is about relationships. Today we're looking at sex, marriage, and relationships.
Our salvation began in faith, but be careful in complacency. Growing in our faith takes work.
Said by a child in a stroller while being pushed through a mall and passing a Victoria Secret. It starts early doesn't it. The pull from every direction that the world offers. Faithfulness is central to our very survival.
Or tape over your mouth, whichever works best. Jesus did state that it's not the food you eat that defiles you but the words that come out of your mouth. They not only reflect what's in your heart, but once spoken, often initiate after-effects that you may not like. He also talked about the ears and eyes being the windows to your soul. Let's be careful to guard our heart.
Auto pilot living does not get you wisdom. Today we continue in Proverbs chapter 3.
Sometimes when we wake in the morning we feel "hey, life is so good", and other times it's a struggle to even get out of bed. And in between those moments are the ups and downs, the connector points, the things that make up the stuff of life.
Wisdom is our subject. We are in Proverbs, chapter 3. There's an old adage: Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
More from Proverbs, Chapter 2. I think we're all pretty familiar with the advantages of cooking slowly at low temperatures, particularly tenderizing tougher meat. And of course we all know how to cook frogs, don't we. Both provide a pretty accurate analogy to the insidiously slow process of finding ourselves in a very bad place. We didn't intend it. We didn't plan on it. And yet, suddenly, there it was. We're in trouble and we ask ourselves "How did we get here?"
In continuing our new series in Proverbs we'll zero in on a foundational aspect of wisdom, the nature of temptation. It's just total coincidence that our new series is Proverbs, and to kick it off we're talking about wisdom today. That's pretty much the central and major theme throughout Proverbs, and since we're just coming off the Christmas season, wisdom is a pretty great gift to have received and also something we're going to attempt to explore and pursue in this next series as we get underway in the new year. Join us.
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February 2025