This is a 'one-off' sermon Nancy preached which came to her just this past Friday morning as she was going through her normal morning quiet time. It puts a very different, but I think very helpful perspective on the difficult, and sometimes overwhelming, circumstances we have all faced from time to time in our lives. Looking at Psalm 55.
The Book of Job is a well trodden passage, we think you'll see it once again from a different perspective.
Getting serious about our relationship and growth with Jesus is no joke. To be serious about Christ, we need to be moving in the same direction and with as much effect as is conceivably possible. But that takes work, serious work in God's word and in prayer. If we don't, life gets pretty dicey and difficult. But, to move in the same direction, we need to take up the same yoke with Jesus, not against Him.
As we approach Easter, Pastor Nancy explores the sequence of that historic event. Today we take a look at the cross from the point of view of the thief that asked Jesus to remember him.
A very close friend crossed the veil recently and we had the opportunity to be blessed by his life and pastoral care. He was also a master at incorporating alliteration into every sermon. Today Pastor Nancy discusses "perfect peace and patience".
We're in our fifth week of 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 and you'd think we'd be done. But no, hang on. Today Pastor Nancy peels back the onion a little more. How do we keep from damaging relationships and begin repairing those that have some rebuilding to be done. That's a biggie. Beginning with restraint is a good start.
These are difficult days. Not that we wish for the types of circumstances we've seen as a society this past year of 2020, but as Christians it can be a real blessing. We need to have the right perspective.
Let's clarify. Of course He wants you to have joy in your life, and happiness too for that matter. But I think we've all heard the expression, typically when someone wants to do whatever it is they want to do, regardless of the circumstances. So what is it that God does want? Let's listen to the events of Mark, chapter 6.
Covid sure has turned the world upside down for many. Life is good when everything seems pretty secure and predictable. But, we live in a different age now, and maybe the future doesn't seem quite as predictable anymore. Maybe you didn't experience as much trauma as others these past few months, but should another shoe drop and it does touch your life, and in a big way, what then?
...Off the bus, out of the're no longer in the driver's seat. It's time for Wisdom to take over, and that is only accomplished through the engine of the Spirit. Circumstances of life can, will, and do drive us to that point... if we will let it.
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January 2025