I know lot of people who truly do know quite a bit about God. But knowing God really is a different deal. I know a lot about (pick a famous person and insert) but don't know him/her, never had a conversation, and certainly Famous Person doesn't know I even exist, let alone care. But in the case of THE Famous Person, do you truly truly really really want to know Him, and know Him in a very personal way. That means having real conversation, challenging Him with what really counts inside you and then having Him actually respond. And not only responding but then DOING something in you. Beginning to make changes in you that you know didn't come or couldn't come from within yourself, mainly because you really know yourself and realize those changes couldn't have come from within you. A power and ability that somehow you truly know you didn't have.
This all begins when you realize that Elohim-Adoni-Yahweh-Jehovah Jireh (and a few more names we haven't yet discussed) made promises regarding you. Promises that He intends to keep. But promises you have very possibly not yet "called Him out on" as the expression goes. Go ahead. Call Him out on those promises He's made regarding you. Let's keep listenting.
What answers the deepest part within yourself, the void inside you? The above heading pretty much summed up Jesus response to the several thousand just after they were fully fed the loaves & fishes. But what about us? What do we really want?
Scripture uses this analogy which usually doesn't relate to most men, but the emphasis here has to do with God being our perfect provider even when we're not. This is a good listen regardless of gender.
We've all known people that give great lip service but in the end hardly ever follow through. The frightening fact is, however, that there are people who, when standing before the Living God, are going to be sent straight to hell who thought they were doing God's service but whose heart was far from Him. "But Lord have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?. But He will respond "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"
Lordship. We need to get hold of this truth. We have a tremendous responsibility for which we will be held accountable when we stand before the Living God. But don't fear, the Lord Himself will help us make our way. First let's consider just Who He Is.
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February 2025