Very few people truly understand the times in which we live. Over the past 2,000 years, Christianity was birthed in blood, sacrifice and the tears of the saints. Then the needs of survival crept in, and very slowly, the fear of losing power. That entrapment has lasted over much of the past two millennia. Leadership can be influenced very easily over time, but the man, woman, and child "on the street" through the centuries has never changed. The faithful are seeking Christ in their hearts always. And that's the concern here today. The faithful, if ever there has been a time in history since Jesus trod over the dirt roads of Israel, today is the day when each of us needs to understand the absolute necessity of burning our boats and never looking back. Being sold out to Our Living Lord and His Father and empowered by the Spirit of God Himself needs to be at the heart of everything we think, say, and do in these most tragic days in history; tragic to the world, but the time of the dawn of Our Hope. Change. It's always somewhat, well maybe sometimes a bit difficult, to make changes in our lives, even when it's for the betterment of those around us. We simply want those things to remain the same simply because we're comfortable with the way they have always been, or we just simply like it that way.
Today's society ranks individuality and taste very high on the list of priorities. I like chocolate (who doesn't) and you like maple walnut. That difference works in virtually every aspect of life. Except for one. Faith...religion. That part of our lives that defines and confines our behavior in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. Today we explore the ramifications of that most important dynamic.
Getting serious about our relationship and growth with Jesus is no joke. To be serious about Christ, we need to be moving in the same direction and with as much effect as is conceivably possible. But that takes work, serious work in God's word and in prayer. If we don't, life gets pretty dicey and difficult. But, to move in the same direction, we need to take up the same yoke with Jesus, not against Him.
Let's clarify. Of course He wants you to have joy in your life, and happiness too for that matter. But I think we've all heard the expression, typically when someone wants to do whatever it is they want to do, regardless of the circumstances. So what is it that God does want? Let's listen to the events of Mark, chapter 6.
We've all seen what happens. Pond scum, not a pretty sight. Today we're looking at Moses' experience in the wilderness when needing to provide water for the newly freed Israelites. The story supplies some great images and a most necessary application.
God is looking to change us from the inside out.
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December 2024